Connections: More Important Than You Think

Almost none of us work in a vacuum. 

Which is why I have connections as one of the 8 pillars of my Career Satisfaction Assessment.

You’ll find that connections are important to your relationships on a variety of levels. They determine how you get along as an individual, as a leader and they affect the bottom line of your business more than you think. Connections are everything. 

It's no surprise to me that CONNECTION is one of the elements that is so important in people really being satisfied with their situation. 

I find there are three main levels of connection that impact you, your team and your business. 

Individual Connections

At work your peers and colleagues often will become friends. Your team that reports to you or other stakeholders, or even customers or clients have connections with you and each other that can help or hinder your accomplishments.

People advocate for the people they feel connected to. So having those connections that you build for yourself can really provide that support that you may need. Just being with like-minded people, people that think about things the way you do and approach things the way you do, and maybe have some of the same priorities, that can be tremendous in terms of thought partnership and really expanding your horizons.  This does not mean you agree all the time, in fact healthy disagreement and discussion are often important to coming up with the best solution.  But the connections often allow for dealing with healthy disagreement in the most productive ways.

Connections and Leadership

Connections are important as a boss because it's one of the things that if people don't have it, it could get them to start thinking about greener pastures. 

Studies show that when people feel supported and advocated for at work, they are more loyal to their company and employee retention is higher. Therefore, as a leader of your company, it just makes sense to create a culture of connection.  This will also give you the best chance of hearing the things you need to hear.  If your employees are feeling loyal and generally a part of things they’ll be more likely to speak up about things that may take some courage to voice. .

Connections to Results

No person is an island and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to connections and how effective your company is. When working within an organization connections help drive support either for your initiatives or even for yourself and your own career advocacy. 

Connections help you build a support network. Having advocates within the company means you get opportunities and see possibilities that you wouldn't see otherwise. This isn’t necessarily only about advancement. A lot of the time connections share information that can be vital to your decision making process. 

And sometimes it's just simply feeling in-community in general. In my coaching practice it's often surprising to me when clients think they're the only ones that ever had that question or are dealing with this problem. Never underestimate the power of shared experience. The simple realization that you aren’t the only one who is up against this or that can often unlock things for you and help you move into action.

The pandemic and siloed working conditions have created a dramatic difference in the way we are able to connect. It’s ironic that it’s easier than ever to stay in touch through technology, yet it's harder to stand out through those means of connection because of all the noise.

Connections are the foundation of networking

One difference between connections and networking in intent. You must be more purposeful when you are networking. If you haven’t heard me talk about my 2022 theme On Purpose yet you should take a look at my 2022 introduction video here.

As with so many things these days, when you approach networking On Purpose you will find that it’s easier than you thought, opportunities are everywhere, and you’ll be surprised by how far your networking can take you.

The best time to network is before you need to. 

For many of us the thought of calling someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time is uncomfortable, and the thought of asking them for something is worse.  It’s so much easier to contact someone when you are just wanting to connect, without a request.  Practice building a network of authentic connections, without an agenda, and this will soon become second nature.  

If you find yourself considering a search, so your networking efforts do have a specific purpose, I approach the idea of networking as three concentric circles. With this networking strategy you’ll be able to build stronger relationships with your current contacts and extend your network even further. 

The First Circle

The smallest circle is your core group. You want to find 2-5 people who you really know, trust, and can be open with. These are the people you turn to for brainstorming and collaboration. 

Genuine connections allow you to support others and be supported. When you create an abundance mindset of support and hope I believe it will come back to you. I like to call this corporate karma. 

The Second Circle

The next circle is larger and made up of 10-15 people. These people aren’t in your day to day life but you know and respect them. They may share a similar position or even be one step above you. 

The Final Circle

This third circle is people you know personally although less well, and even  the connections of your connections. These are people who work in the company or industry you want to work in or are in that next tier. You’ll likely be referred to them by your second circle connection. 

I’ve supported many clients through career transition, and a strategic approach to using your connections and networking makes it all so much easier.  It’s a helpful mindset to think of it as a project you’re managing as opposed to asking people for a job.  

Did you know 76% of people say that knowing the right people is what gets you ahead? Making connections is so important but good networking takes practice. Make a plan, start small, and seek out genuine connections based on shared interests or common goals. 

When in doubt remember, don’t get it perfect just get it going. 

I’d like to invite you to my community Fulfilling Career, Happy Life. We are a private group made up of professionals like you seeking the same thing you are—a fulfilled career AND a happy life. Let’s explore what’s possible, together.




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